The Global Islamic Boarding School implements a system called GIBS Outreach Education System (GOES). This system includes 3 basic components namely (1) Academic; (2) Skills and Conducts; (3) Character.
The academic aspects at GOES include the latest national curriculum, the 2016 revised K-13 which refers to the national education standards compiled by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP).
To run the learning process in the classroom, GOES uses a modular system model where subjects are delivered based on modules. This is intended so that students can understand more in each subject taught.
Every student in GIBS is educated to have certain skills and behaviors defined in 9 components. Through various daily, weekly and monthly programs, students are formed to have sufficient provision to face the challenges of the next life. The nine components are:
Character education is the backbone of the educational process that occurs thoroughly at GIBS. For this reason, we embody it in each program as a spirit in guiding students to shape their identity.
But that alone is not enough. We feel that character education must be enriched by fostering universal values that underlie human life, in this case, GIBS students. These values are contained in 9 types of characters called 9 Pillars of GIBS. The nine pillars are: